What�s it about:
Avinash is a typical good for nothing chap, or so he seems though he finds a seat in an engineering college with strict disciplinary rules. The college principal, Nagi Reddy, doesn�t like sports, or fun or the typical love stories that happen in colleges. His daughter Amrutha, is much like him and she too studies in the same college.
Avinash, who is a kind of a rebel, atleast for the college, helps a college mate and her boyfriend. In the process Amrutha, changes her views about college-love stories and falls madly for Avinash. When the girl�s father comes to know of it, the hero challenges him on phone to find who he is if he can. Apart from various other side tracks, how long Avinash keeps the girl�s father from recognizing his true side forms the rest of the story.