What is bad:
A whole lot of things are bad. Kamalini Mukherjee never looked so pathetic in front of the camera. Sans make up and under heavy �foundation� to induce a natural deglamorized look, Vamsi has messed her screen presence completely. He did not spare Venu either. Stereotyped dialogues and ham handed scripting meant that Venu was not given any serious shot at comedy. And once an artiste like Venu is deprived of comedy, you basically have deprived his character of any oxygen. And the result showed in his performance, his worst by far. Konda Valasa�s comedy is totally devoid of any taste and harasses your senses. The commentary on forwarded SMS jokes is way too stale to interest today�s audiences. All this is compounded by a totally listless second half which has an overdose of melodrama. This perhaps is the first film where even the beauty of the scenic Godavari is ruined by over use of the �night effect� mode. But by far the worst culprits in this mess-of-a-movie are story and direction. Honestly how anyone could come up with such a ham-handed effort is beyond comprehension.
Me Thinks:
Give this movie a miss. It is not even worth the ticket money.
Tollywood began the year with a high and in the mid way mark it has touched an abysmal low with this movie