Technical Departments :
The film scores high in terms of the background score and the sound effects. Music by Viswa is alright and the bum gyrations which Charmi seemed to have mastered for this film are nothing but a so-called �commercial element� meant to attract the male species. Keeping aside the debate whether it�s good or bad, it does serve the purpose! Most of the film has a sepia tone and the cinematography is decent. Osho Tulasiram who wrote the story and screenplay apart from directing the film loses track somewhere in the middle of the film. While the story is well set up and it moves at a break neck speed till the end of first half, it begins to lag with endless drama while trying to reach the final act. But then, the film is a good attempt with a small crew and limited budget.
Bottomline :
Mangala promises a lot more than what it accomplishes and that�s its biggest fault. However, the silver lining on this black (magical) cloud is an incredible performance from Charmi and she holds the fort for most part of the film. And when a film of this magnitude ends up with an anti-climax, one begins to wonder why it had to be so alluring in the beginning! Perhaps no one would ever know who�s to blame; it would be a wise decision to blame the God for playing the spoilsport. Who said �Evil� is bad? In a film like this, perhaps that would have been the saving grace. Amen.