What is bad: The music or rather the placement of the songs in the movie is quite disappointing as they appear randomly in the movie. Though shot at international locales, they fail to make an impact because of the lyrics and unimaginative picturisation. Apart from that, the overall production values were not too slick with jerky editing and awkward camera angles at times. At a time, when movies place a high emphasis on good music and slick technical values, Masth disssapoints in these departments.
Me Thinks:The production values, the comedy tracks and story are all too reminiscent of SV Krishna Reddy’s movies from the 90’s such as Yamaleela, etc which might not work in today’s time. Maybe he should try being more experimentative and move away from his tried & tested formula.
Tailpiece: “A for Apple, B for Bangle, C for Camel, D for Dumbbell”… go the lyrics of one of the songs while Anchal seductively dances on a beach…a definite indicator that more time should have been spent visualizing the song!!!