What is bad:
A weak script. You can�t make a two hour plus movie on the premise of �one-bike-sold-to-two-guys�. The female leads are sidelined in the second half until the climax. The movie lacks the adrenaline that a title like �Ride� would necessitate. If anything the movie slows down after the first half and the entire second half it barely moves. The heroine shwetha basu bores the audience by repeating the �ori nayano� dialogue quite frequently. A poor script meant that that the songs had to be inserted. The editing is very jerky and immature. The cinematography is not up to the mark especially in the fight sequences.
Me Thinks:
Give it a miss. However if you want to watch a roadie type movie in Tollywood, take your chances.
Bellamkonda Suresh needs scale and grandeur. A producer who is used to working with mass heroes like Balakrishna seems to be at sea while working with small heroes. If my assessment is correct he will find this �ride� a bit bumpy.