What is Good:
Five minutes into the film, we realize that this isn�t just another cowboy adventure. Chimbudevan weaves an intelligent story right from the beginning and quite a few times the intermittent flashbacks show a glimpse of why Super Cowboy makes a great first impression. Take that �Shadow principle� for example. The two different versions tell us something about the characters which define Simha and Simhachalam. The dialogues uttered by almost everyone especially the side actors hit you hard and they leave no stone unturned to tickle your funny bone. The first one hour of the film have more gags and comic scenes than scores of other films put together. From including films, cultural references to taking a dig at plenty of others, the film seems so original in its approach and it�s all done with utmost care.
Of the star cast, Lawrence breezes through his scenes and since we all know he�s a brilliant dancer, he shows off his dancing skills as well. He�s a cowboy who carries atleast two guns which need to be revolved all the time and he�s good at that. The three leading ladies Padmapriya, Laxmi Rai and Sandhya have nothing much to offer apart from having to look beautiful and fall for the hero. They do that pretty well. If you have noticed, ladies in such films are always good at heart and they have a soft corner for the main hero! Nazar has an interesting role which has traces of George Bush and Saikumar who plays the role of his assistant does a great job. He carries that shattered teeth and shabby look which is again a pre-requisite for the baddies with great charm.