Audio Review: Its My Love Story – Decent Romantic Album

Published on Oct 24, 2011 11:09 AM IST

Audio Review: Its My Love Story – Decent Romantic Album

Published on Oct 24, 2011 11:09 AM IST

Gen Next director Madhura Sreedhar impressed the industry with his debut movie ‘Sneha Geetham’. The soft and sensible film won a lot of critical acclaim. He is now coming up with ‘Its My Love Story’, a feel good corporate love story. Music for this movie has been composed by Sunil Kashyap, an award winning music director. Let us take a look at the album and find out how it stacks up.

1.Song: Muppai Sekanley
Artists: Hemachandra, Sunil Kashyap, Pranavi, Nikitha
Lyrics: Sira Sri
This song starts off with nice guitar work and synthesizer beats. The fast paced song describes the value of time and the hectic lifestyle of this modern age. Lyrics by Sira Sri are pretty decent and Sunil Kashyap’s music has a very modern feel to it. This will most likely be the opening song in the movie. A nice song to listen to.

2.Song: Neeloni Digule
Artists: Pranavi
Lyrics: Sira Sri
This is a soft and romantic solo number that is rendered beautifully by Pranavi. Music is melodious and smooth, lending the right feel to the song. The song describes the romantic feelings experienced by the heroine when she thinks of the guy she loves.Lyrics by Sira Sri are nicely poetic. A pretty good song overall.

3.Song: Nindaina Nee Chelimi
Artists: Karunya, Pranavi
Lyrics: Sira Sri
This number is a sad melody that shows the feelings of angst and sadness experienced by the lovers when they seperate as a pair. Karunya and Pranavi do a good job with the vocals and the emotion carries through to the listener. Sira Sri’s lyrics are good and are apt for the situation. Sunil Kashyap’s music is nice to listen to but the extensive reliance on the synthesizer makes the music sound familiar and repetitive. A decent song overall.

4.Song:Ninnala lede
Artists: Dinker, Chaitra
Lyrics: Sira Sri
This is a nice romantic duet that captures the emotions of a young pair when they realize that they are in love with each other. Dinker and Chaitra are okay with vocals. A more soulful rendition would have really elevated this song to a different league. Sira Sri’s lyrics are good and capture the romantic feelings well. Sunil Kashyap’s music does the job but it is nothing to write home about.

5.Song: Thadi Pedavule Kalisi
Artists: Karunya, Chaitra
Lyrics: Sira Sri
This is one of the better songs of the album. It starts off with Karunya’s crooning which strongly reminds the listener of Lucky Ali. This is a romantic duet and it has been rendered well by Karunya and Chaitra. Sira Sri’s lyrics are good. Sunil Kashyap’s music is pleasant and has some nice mix of traditional and modern music. Expect a very romantic picturization for this song.

6. Song: Gallate
Artists: Pranavi, Sunil Kashyap
Lyrics: Sira Sri
This is an item song and Pranavi has rendered the number with enough energy and gusto to make it work. This is the kind of song that will probably be picturized in ‘kallu compounds’ where the hero ends up after breaking up with his lover.Sira Sri’s lyrics are ok. Suni Kashyap’s music starts off well but falls back into the routine mode. He should have stuck to rustic and earthy music rather than modern beats.

Verdict: ‘Its My Love Story’ is a soft and sensible album that has some very good romantic numbers. Music by Sunil Kashyap is good but some of the songs tend to sound slightly similar because of the heavy synthesizer beats that dominate most of the songs. ‘Thadi Pedavule’ , ‘Neeloni Diguley’ and ‘Muppai Sekanley’ are my favourite tracks from the album.Its My Love Story is a safe buy, as this is an album which you can safely rely on to woo your loved one.

– Mahesh K.S

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