Young actress Krithi Shetty is deeply upset with the baseless rumors surrounding her personal life. The talented beauty took to Twitter this evening and made an appeal to all the media houses which have been spreading false stories about her life.
As per the ongoing rumors, Krithi allegedly said in an interview that she is being harassed by a star hero’s son. Krithi allegedly said that the star kid is following wherever Krithi goes, and is trying hard to get closer to her much to Krithi’s embarrassment.
Just when the rumors began to go viral, Krithi took to social media and revealed that the rumors are totally baseless and that she had to finally react as they are being blown out of proportion. She went on to urge the media houses to not cook up stories and false information. On the work front, Krithi’s latest Tamil film, Genie, had a grand launch in Chennai yesterday.
— KrithiShetty (@IamKrithiShetty) July 6, 2023