Samajavaragamana, the latest superhit film starring Sree Vishnu and Reba Monica John in the lead roles, is all set to make its digital debut next week on Aha. Meanwhile, the film has cruised past an important milestone at the box office.
Samajavaragamana surpassed the 50 crores gross mark, and it is the first film of Sree Vishnu to achieve this feat. This kind of mammoth success is long overdue for Sree Vishnu, and the actor is highly ecstatic with the response.
The movie has recently breached the elite 1 million dollar mark at the USA box office. Naresh, Sudarshan, Sreekanth Iyengar, Vennela Kishore, Raghu Babu, Rajeev Kanakala, and Devi Prasad played essential roles. Razesh Danda produced this flick.