Malayalam actor Unni Mukundan is a noted face among Telugu audiences, too. The actor recently starred in a high-octane action film titled Marco. Directed by Haneef Adeni and produced by Shareef Muhammed under the Cubes Entertainments banner, Marco received extensive critical acclaim, with particular praise for the action sequences, stellar performances, stunning cinematography, and powerful musical score.
Now, NVR Cinema is set to bring this Malayalam blockbuster to the Telugu audience on January 1st. The newly released theatrical trailer gives us a glimpse into Marco’s intense and bloody world, highlighting the protagonist’s action-packed and ruthless journey. It also explores his arduous past and the numerous enemies he must confront in a high-stakes battle for survival.
Unni Mukundan is exceptional in the titular role, impressing in the nerve-wracking action sequences. The movie also features Siddique, Jagadish, Abhimanyu S Thilakan, Kabir Duhan Singh, Anson Paul, and Yukti Tareja in key roles. Ravi Basrur composed the music.
After the amazing response in Malayalam, the film has generated good buzz among the Telugu audience, and now the trailer is set to take the hype to the next level. In Malayalam the film is heading towards Rs. 75 crores gross, and if the Telugu version performs well, it may well touch the three-digit mark. Shareef Muhammed produced this flick under the banner of Cubes Entertainments.