The PAN Indian film Adipurush starring Prabhas, was released in theatres a couple of days back. Om Raut directed this mythological action drama, and Kriti Sanon played the female lead. The movie opened to mixed reviews all over, but it looks like they are not affecting the film in any manner.
The movie already grossed 240 crores in two days, and today also, the film is registering solid occupancies. But here is something that you should take note of. The advance bookings for the movie are good for its fourth day (first working day) in multiplexes.
The bookings are too good, especially in Hyderabad’s iconic Prasad Multiplex and Nexus Mall. This shows that the movie will have a steady long run in the Nizam region. Saif Ali Khan played the antagonist. Sunny Singh, Devdatte Nage, Vatshal Sheth, and Sonal Chauhan played key roles.