Adivi Sesh’s gesture for a little girl battling cancer wins hearts
Published on Jul 21, 2024 12:00 am IST

Actor-filmmaker Adivi Sesh is currently working on two of the most eagerly awaited movies of his career, Goodhachari 2 and Dacoit: A Love Story. Amid his busy schedules, Sesh took some time off recently to meet his little girl fan, who is bravely battling cancer, and spend an entire day with her.

Sesh came to know about this little fan through a close acquaintance and got in touch with her family. He bonded with the little girl over video calls, and he would also respond to her texts. Finally, Sesh decided to surprise her by meeting her in person at a hotel. He became a kid while playing and sharing stories with her.

Even after the meeting, the little girl kept lingering in Sesh’s mind for days. The talented actor kept in touch with the girl and her family, offered them support, and also met them again when they visited Hyderabad for her consultation. For Sesh, the moments he spent with the little girl are priceless, and he keeps them close to his heart.