According to Tamil media reports, the Tamil Nadu release of Ram Charan’s Game Changer has landed in big trouble. It is being said that Lyca Productions has reached out to the Tamil Producers Council to stop the release of Game Changer in Tamil Nadu until Shankar completes and releases Indian 3.
While filming Indian 2, an accident occurred on the sets, resulting in the death of crew members. After this unfortunate incident, the shoot was halted, and Shankar moved on to Game Changer. While Shankar was busy with Ram Charan’s film, Lyca sued Shankar, saying he could not work on Game Changer without completing Indian 2.
Since then, everything has not been going well between Shankar and Lyca Productions. Due to the legal issue, Shankar simultaneously worked on Indian 2 and Game Changer, but again, the director is facing problems due to the Kollywood production house. If the release gets halted, it will be a big blow to Game Changer. The Ram Charan starrer is now in a solid position with no big Tamil films scheduled for release during the Pongal season.