Buzz: Game Changer going into re-shoot again
Published on Aug 24, 2024 3:00 pm IST

Game Changer has been in the making for over three years now. Ram Changer is done with his portions but Shankar is yet to wrap up the shoot. Now, a crazy piece of news has started making the rounds that Shankar saw the rough cut and has decided to re-shoot a few scenes again.

So, he has asked Dil Raju to approach Ram Charan yet again to allot dates for another four dates. Though this news is not yet confirmed, it has started going viral in the film circles.

Ram Charan is already upset that the shoot has been delayed for so long and now this re-shoot update will upset him yet again. So, will the star hero give dates to Shankar is the big question now.

Dil Raju in many of his events has declared that Game Changer will be out during Christmas 2024 in a big way and Dil Raju is making solid plans for the same.

But this re-shoot news has disappointed fans of Ram Charan now who are upset with Shankar who is taking so much time to wrap up the time. Only time will tell when the film will be released in the first place.