It’s been more than a decade since veteran director Dasari Narayana Rao’s son Dasari Arun Kumar was seen on the silver screen. Arun’s last film was Jagapathi Babu’s 2006 movie, Samanyudu. Now, the actor is gearing up for a grand comeback with back-to-back villain roles.
We had reported already that Arun Kumar is essaying the chief antagonist’s role in Allu Sirish’s upcoming thriller, Okka Kshanam. The latest we hear is that Arun will also be donning a crucial negative role in Megastar Chiranjeevi’s highly-anticipated historical biopic, Sye Raa.
It was Dasari Narayana Rao’s wish to see Arun settle down as an actor, and it looks like the doting son is determined to fulfill his late father’s wish.