In a huge loss to the Indian film industry, stalwart filmmaker, actor and politician Dasari Narayana Rao passed away at the KIMS Hospital at 7 pm in Hyderabad. Dasari was 75 and he is survived by two sons and a daughter.
Dasari was suffering from prolonged kidney related illness and he was being treated for the last few months. The team of doctors who monitored Dasari’s health announced that Dasari had underwent a reconstructive surgery of Oesophagus. Following the surgery, he developed renal failure and was on hemodialysis.
Dasari, fondly called as Guruvu garu by the film fraternity, was born on May 4th, 1942 at Palakollu. He directed 151 films in his career and was also honored with the Guinness Book recognition.
In a career spanning over 5 decades, Dasari won 2 national awards, 9 Nandi awards and 4 Filmfare awards. The entire Telugu film industry is in a state of deep shock and everyone’s rushing to the hospital to pay their last respects to the legend. pays homage to the stalwart filmmaker and extends its deepest condolences to the bereaved family.