Several Mega fans have been quite upset ever since the recent buzz on Chiranjeevi starring in the Telugu remake of Malayalam stalwart Mohanlal’s Bro Daddy under Kalyan Krishna’s direction splashed on the internet a few days ago. Even though there was no official confirmation on this remake, many hardcore Mega fans openly requested Chiru to reconsider acting in the movie. Fans went on to urge Chiru to choose original scripts instead of remakes from now on.
And here’s a much-needed update for all the worried fans. According to the latest reports, Chiru’s project with director Kalyan Krishna is not a remake of Bro Daddy contrary to the ongoing rumors. Kalyan Krishna is said to be working on a completely original script for Chiru in collaboration with writer Prasanna Kumar. The script work is nearing completion and an official announcement could be out very soon.
This crazy project is said to be bankrolled by Chiru’s daughter Sushmita Konidela on her own production house. Whether Trisha, Siddhu Jonnalagadda and Sreeleela are part of this movie will be known in the coming days.