At a time when non-stop controversies and speculations continue to haunt him, star music composer SS Thaman interacted with the Telugu film media earlier today in Hyderabad. However, Thaman kept the interaction totally non-controversial and didn’t make any sensational statements on the ongoing rumors but only talked about his future projects.
During the interaction, the National Award-winning composer opened up about his soon-to-release movie, Bro. Thaman also made some striking statements about his favorite hero Pawan Kalyan. The hotshot composer said that Pawan’s performance in ‘Bro’ is extraordinary and that the character Pawan has played in the movie had increased his responsibility as a composer.
When asked if composing for a Pawan Kalyan-starrer is pleasure or pressure, Thaman said it’s always a pleasure as he’s a big fan of the Powerstar. “But I feel the pressure from Pawan Kalyan fans,” Thaman quipped. He also said that fans will surely enjoy the scenes featuring Pawan and Sai Dharam Tej. Directed by acclaimed Tamil actor-filmmaker Samuthirakhani and produced by TG Vishwaprasad, Bro is slated to open in cinemas on July 28.