Released in 2010, maverick director Shankar’s Robo, starring Super Star Rajinikanth in dual roles as a scientist and an evil robot, stormed the box-office. The duo is currently working on Robo’s sequel, 2.o, and the film’s shooting is currently in its last leg.
Yesterday, Shankar took to his Twitter and tweeted a picture in which a robot’s hand was holding a rose. This was no ordinary Valentine’s Day wish from the master director as he set the internet ablaze with the picture.
Incidentally, even in Robo, Chitti the robot was seen flaunting a rose as it falls in love with Aishwarya Rai’s character. Social media is buzzing nonstop with speculations that 2.o may show an extension of Chitti’s love story. Well, let’s wait until Diwali to see the mystery unfold.