Malayalam film ‘2018’ released in May 2023 has emerged as the highest-grossing movie of all time in the Malayalam film industry, setting a milestone for Mollywood. The film’s director, Jude Anthany Joseph, has been receiving many offers since the blockbuster’s release.
The latest update is that the director has grabbed a massive offer to direct his next film for the renowned production house, Lyca Productions, which is known for delivering many super-hit movies. The banner has officially announced the film by dropping a small glimpse on social media.
According to sources, Jude Anthany Joseph is considering Nivin Pauly and Vijay Sethupathi as the lead actors for the film. Further details, including the rest of the cast, crew, and launch date, will be announced soon. Stay tuned for more engaging content.
We are excited & thrilled 🤩 about this collaboration with the most happening director 🎬 #JudeAnthanyJoseph for our upcoming project! 🤗✨
— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) July 5, 2023