Superstar Mahesh Babu’s first ever cowboy film, Takkari Donga, released in 2002. Mahesh earned immense accolades for his looks and the risky stunts he had performed. Directed and produced by Jayanth C Paranjee, the film had Bollywood beauties Bipasha Basu and Lisa Ray as the female leads and even Superstar Krishna was seen in a special cameo.
Now, after nearly 16 years of its release, Takkari Donga is being dubbed in Tamil. The film’s Tamil version has been titled Vetri Veeran and it is going to hit the screens on March 10. Popular Tamil distribution house S Cinemas is releasing Vetri Veeran across Tamil Nadu. We will have to see if Mahesh’s newfound craze after Spyder manages to boost Vetri Veeran’s chances at the box-office.