Happening young hero Naga Shaurya’s latest flick, Narthanashala, is nearing completion. A sangeet song has been shot for the last few days in a lavish set which was built with a budget of Rs 60 lakhs. The movie’s unit will soon fly to Italy to shoot a couple of songs. With this, the entire shoot will be wrapped up.
Speaking about the film, Naga Shaurya said that the team has dared to name the film after NTR’s evergreen classic Narthanashala. “Although I can’t say that our first will be better than the old classic in terms of content, I promise that it will definitely be on par with it and will live up to the expectations,” said a confident Naga Shaurya. The actor also requested media’s help for the movie.
Directed by debutante Srinivasa Rao, Narthanashala is bankrolled under Naga Shaurya’s home banner Ira Creations. The film’s first look poster will be out soon. Chalo’s composer Mahati Swara Sagar has scored the music for Narthanashala.