This Sankranthi, Netflix has announced an exciting lineup of Telugu films for which it has acquired streaming rights. The list includes highly anticipated titles like Pawan Kalyan’s They Call Him OG and Naveen Polishetty’s Anaganaga Oka Raju. Here’s the full list:
They Call Him OG
VD 12
HIT: The Third Case
MAD Square
Mass Jathara
Court: State Vs A Nobody
Anaganaga Oka Raju
They Call Him OG, VD 12, Thandel, HIT 3, Mass Jathara, Jack, and Court: State Vs A Nobody will have pan-Indian premieres on Netflix. On the other hand, MAD Square and Anaganaga Oka Raju will premiere in major South Indian languages. The theatrical release dates for some of these films will be revealed soon.