As per the latest update from the production house, Sundeep Kishan’s Ooru Peru Bhairavakona, directed by VI Anand, will hit the big screens on 16th February. To announce the same, the makers released a new poster in which Sundeep Kishan is seen holding a magic wand, and the actresses are seen behind him.
Ravi Teja’s Eagle, which was supposed to be released for Sankranthi, was postponed at the last minute for the welfare of the industry, and the Eagle makers were promised a solo release on February 9 by Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce. As Ooru Peru Bhairavakona was also scheduled for release on the same date, a meeting was conducted by TFCC and they suggested the makers of Sundeep Kishan’s film to move to 16th February.
Respecting the decision of the TFCC, the makers opted out from the initially announced date. Kavya Thapar and Varsha Bollamma are the leading ladies. Harsha Chemudu, Rajsekhar Aningi, Vennela Kishore, and Kushee Ravi played vital roles. Produced by Razesh Danda under the Hasya Movies banner, the movie is a proud presentation of AK Entertainments. Sekhar Chandra composed the tunes.