Prakash Raj has turned quite in Bollywood these days. Ever since he acted in Ajay Devgan’s Singham, the versatile actor is being offered important roles in several big budget films. He will soon be seen in a negative role on Apoorva Lakhia’s Zanjeer and recently he received rave reviews in Farhan Akhtar’s Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. Prakash Raj has bagged another important role in Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film and he’s in Bangkok now to shoot for this film.
Meanwhile, Prakash Raj is gearing up to direct and produce a bilingual film titled Ulavacharu Biriyani. The film is said to be the adaptation of a hit Malayalam film Salt n Pepper and Sneha will play the lead role opposite Prakash Raj. Apart from this film, he will also be shooting for Gunasekhar’s Rudramadevi 3D in which he has been cast as Rudramadevi’s prime minister.