Young and promising actor Aadi Saikumar’s action thriller Top Gear is all set for a grand release tomorrow. Shashikanth is the helmer of the movie, which has Riya Suman as the love lady of Aadi.
Producer K. V. Sridhar Reddy of Sri Dhanalakshmi Productions interacted with the media ahead of the film’s release. He said that the movie has come out very well and he heaped praise on Aadi Saikumar. The maker is so confident and mentioned that Top Gear will bring a good name for him as a producer.
“Top Gear is also a content-rich movie and every technician worked hard for the film. The film welcomes 2023 with a bang,” said Sridhar Reddy. He also mentioned that Saikumar is very happy with the movie. The producer said that the movie will be released in over 200 theaters.