The much-awaited PAN Indian film Pushpa 2 created history by achieving an all-time record opening in Indian cinema. The domestic gross is approximately Rs. 200 crores, and the Allu Arjun starrer broke the day one record in Hindi with a very good margin. The reports are also positive, but the makers are receiving severe backlash from Telugu audiences due to premium ticket pricing.
Generally, when a biggie gets a good talk, the hold will be solid on the second day, but unexpectedly, today’s noon shows for Pushpa 2 are not up to the mark in Telugu states. There aren’t many complaints about the content, but the exorbitant prices are playing a spoilsport. The hikes provided to Pushpa 2 are much bigger than the recent biggies Kalki 28898 AD and Devara. Hence, footfalls are getting affected considerably.
The makers understood the damage being caused and quickly responded by slashing prices in major centers. We need to see whether the price reduction will be limited to some centers or all regions. On the other hand, the hold in the Hindi belt is extraordinary, and the movie is expected to collect over Rs. 45 crores nett today.