Today, Ram Charan promoted his upcoming film Game Changer in Mumbai. Speaking at the event, Charan said he was quite shocked when he learned that Shankar wanted to work with him. The star actor lauded Shankar as the epitome of commercial cinema.
Ram Charan said, “It’s such a dream come true for me. We all have been watching his films while growing up. Recently, Rajamouli Garu also said that Shankar Garu is the epitome of larger-than-life entertainers and commercial cinema. He is the first PAN India director.”
Charan added, “I don’t know how my dad will feel but I am very blessed. Shankar sir was supposed to work with him (Chiranjeevi). I am very fortunate. As an actor, it’s so enriching, and there is a lot to learn.” The political action drama is all set to hit the screens on January 10, 2025.