“India and Indians are one family,” Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan said, as he went on to win hearts of millions of Indians while announcing several Corona relief initiatives. Unlike other stars, Shah Rukh hasn’t mentioned the exact amount he is contributing in total since the relief measures he has planned to carry out will spread over a few weeks or even months.
Shah Rukh will also be donating a substantial amount to PM Narendra Modi’s PM-CARES, CM Relief Funds of the states of Maharashtra, West Bengal and New Delhi. SRK is involving his IPL franchise Kolkata Knight Riders, NGO Meer Foundation, film production house Red Chillies Entertainment in his massive relief operations.
SRK will be donating 50,000 PPE kits to healthcare professionals in Maharashtra and West Bengal. Through Ek Saath The Earth Foundation, he will be providing food requirements to 5,500 families in Mumbai for a month.
And through Roti Foundation and Working People’s Charter, SRK will be providing meals to nearly 12,500 people for a month. The actor will also be assisting the acid attack survivors in various Indian states with monthly supplies through his Meer Foundation during this period.
SRK’s contribution to provide relief to various sections of the society in these troubled times are being hailed as thoughtful and wholesome and worth several crores.