Shruti Haasan is all set to stun the audience in her upcoming Hindi film which is being directed by Prabhu Deva. Since her debut film in Telugu, Anaganaga O Dheerudu, she has played various roles which showcased only her acting skills. In fact, even in Gabbar Singh, it was her performance and glamour which fetched her a lot of appreciation and in Aishwaraya Dhanush’s 3, she shocked the audience with her performance. Now, for the first time ever in her career, she’s going to showcase her dancing skills in Prabhu Deva’s film. The film’s rehearsals began late last month and for the past few days, the principal cast of the film has been rehearsing for a song.
Prabhu Deva is personally supervising the dance choreography of this song and Shruti Haasan is putting her best efforts possible to impress everyone. “1st day of Tips film shoot.. Started with a Dance many artists and dancers are here, its more like a celebration than work,” Prabhu Deva tweeted couple of days ago and today, he praised his team saying, “Even though its a rainy Sunday my actors @girishkumart and @shrutihaasan and the entire crew are working very hard.” Looks like after impressing the audience with her singing and acting, Shruti Haasan has decided to add another feather in her cap.
The film is a remake of Nuvvu Vasthanante Nenu Vadhantana and Shruti Haasan is paired up with newcomer Girish Taurani. Kumar Taurani is producing the film under Tips Films banner.