The audio of Siddharth, Hansika starrer Something…Something is going to be launched in Hyderabad on May 12. Sundar C has directed the film and Khushboo has produced it. Lakshmi Ganapathy Films has bought the dubbing rights in Telugu. The film is said to be a romantic comedy and it also stars Ganesh Venkatraman and Brahmanandam. Recently, the film was extensively shot in Japan and most part of the film has been shot in Chennai and Hyderabad. Siddharth and Hansika had earlier teamed up for Oh..My Friend and this is the second film in their combination. In this film, Siddharth and Hansika will be seen as software engineers. Siddharth has completed dubbing for the film and the post production is going on in full swing. Sathya has scored the music. The film is expected to release in June.
Something…Something audio launch on May 12
Published on May 9, 2013 8:30 pm IST