The Telugu film celebrities bid a tearful goodbye to the legendary filmmaker VB Rajendra Prasad as he was laid to rest at the SR Nagar Smasana Vatika. VB Rajendra Prasad’s three sons Ram Prasad, Yugandhar Kumar and popular actor Jagapathi Babu performed the last rites in a traditional manner as hundreds of fans and film industry people
followed the final procession. Stars like Chiranjeevi, Mohan Babu, K Raghavendra Rao, Arjun, Murali Mohan etc were some of the celebs who paid their last respects to VB Rajendra Prasad at the Film Chamber.
In his illustrious career, VB Rajendra Prasad produced and even directed several classics like Dasara Bullodu, Bangaru Babu, Anthasthulu, Aasthiparulu, Khatron Ke Khiladi in Hindi etc. VBR even won the coveted National Award for Best Telugu Film for Anthasthulu. VBR was also honoured with Raghupathi Venkaiah Naidu Award for his contribution towards Telugu cinema’s development.