Saakini Daakini is up for a grand theatrical release this Friday. Ahead of that, the makers of the movie held a pre-release event last night. Adivi Sesh, Anudeep and Nandini Reddy attended the event as chief guests.
During the event, producer Sunita Tati of Guru Films said that Oh Baby wouldn’t have happened without Nandini Reddy and Samantha and in the same way there is no Saakini Daakini without Regina Cassandra and Nivetha Thomas. She revealed that Samyuktha, who is a part of Sudheer Varma’s direction department, is the one who came up with the idea to make the film with females as protagonists. The idea was liked by her and Sudheer Varma as well, mentioned the producer.
Sunitha revealed that Nivetha trained for more than 3 straight months for the action part in the film and she also commented that Nivetha could be a great director also. Apart from the leads, Sunitha thanked everyone worked hard for the film. She asked audiences to enjoy the film in theaters.
Saakini Daakini is an official remake of the South Korean hit movie Midnight Runners. Produced by Suresh Productions, Guru Films and Kross Pictures, the movie is directed by Sudheer Varma. Keep watching this space for more interesting updates.