Middle Class Abbayi (MCA), the Nani, Sai Pallavi and Bhumika-starrer emotional action entertainer, released yesterday amid a huge positive buzz. Thanks to the ever growing craze for Nani’s movies of late, the film has had a humongous start at the box-offices in the twin Telugu states and in overseas.
As per the latest updates, on day one, MCA collected a whopping 15 crore gross worldwide and Rs.7.7 crore share from nearly Rs. 11 crore gross in the Telugu states. These are career best opening day collections for Nani and with a huge margin.
Following are MCA’s day 1 AP/Telangana collections:
Collection |
Nizam | 3,09,00,000 |
Ceded | 1,30,00,000 |
Uttarandhra | 93,39,227 |
West | 45,00,000 |
East |
56,43,6 13
Krishna | 46,77,660 |
Guntur | 68,65,063 |
Nellore | 20,40,360 |
TAGS: MCA first day record collections, MCA movie 1st day total collections, MCA Movie 1st First Day Box Office Collection Worldwide, MCA movie day 1 collections, MCA movie first day box office collections, MCA movie USA premier collections, MCA nizam ceded vizag guntur collections, MCA Nizam first day collections, MCA overseas collections, MCA total collections till date