Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram is all set for a grand release on 12th January. The movie, directed by Trivikram, features Sreeleela and Meenakshii Chaudhary as the female leads. The pre-release event was held in Guntur today. At the event, Trivikram said, ” The movie is set in Guntur, and hence we held the event here. Despite getting tired due to shooting, Mahesh Garu came all the way to Guntur to meet you people.”
Trivikram continued, “Superstar Krishna Garu is inseparable from Telugu cinema. I could not work on his film directly. For one of his films, I worked as an assistant under Posani Krishna Murali Garu. I spent valuable time with Krishna Garu during Athadu and Khaleja. Mahesh is lucky as he was born to Krishna Garu. Mahesh is doing films that Krishna Garu couldn’t. Mahesh Babu gives his 200% to a film. He is the same person as he was during Athadu and Khaleja.”
Trivikram said, “You all should support Mahesh Babu always and bless him. Let’s celebrate this Sankranthi in a grand manner with Ramana Gadu (Mahesh Babu’s character name in the film).”