Veteran film star and former Rajya Sabha MP Mohan Babu announced his return to active politics. However, Mohan Babu didn’t reveal the name of the party he will be joining in his second political innings. The senior actor said that the sad state of affairs in present day politics have compelled him to return to active politics.
Speaking in a press conference at Sri Vidyanikethan today, Mohan Babu said that today’s politics have become a playground for corrupt politicians and that the poor are being betrayed by the leaders. Mohan Babu also exuded confidence saying that people belonging to all communities will welcome him back to politics in a grand way.
A loyal follower of legendary actor and former chief minister of Andhra Pradesh late NT Ramarao, Mohan Babu joined Telugu Desam party in 1982 . TDP nominated him as a Rajyasabha MP in 1995.