New Year started on a shocking note for Thala Ajith fans with the postponement news of the actor’s upcoming action thriller Vidaamuyarchi. Initially, Ajith’s Good Bad Ugly was scheduled for a Pongal release, but the actor decided to release Vidaamuyarchi for the festival. The timing of the postponement news is unfortunate, leaving very little room for other filmmakers to reschedule their movies for Pongal.
Veera Dheera Sooran, headlined by Vikram, was initially slated for a Pongal release. However the team postponed it to the end of January after Vidaamuyarchi was announced for the festival. Now, it’s practically impossible for Veera Dheera Sooran makers to meet the Pongal deadline. Due to the inefficient planning by Vidaamuyarchi makers, the Pongal season has been left without major Kollywood films.
The only biggie releasing for Pongal in Tamil Nadu is Ram Charan’s Game Changer, directed by Shankar. The director’s reputation took a hit with Indian 2, but now the tables have turned overnight, with the situation strongly favoring Shankar. All Game Changer needs is a decent talk to take advantage of the Kollywood box office.
Bala’s Vanangaan is also releasing, but it isn’t a typical Pongal entertainer. This gives Game Changer an additional edge, as it is a masala entertainer packed with mass moments. To top it off, Ram Charan has been enjoying a good following in Tamil Nadu since Maaveeran (Magadheera Tamil version), and his stardom will also help Game Changer put up solid numbers.