Versatile actor Vikram will be next seen in the film Veera Dheera Sooran, which is being directed by SU Arun Kumar of Chithha fame. Dushara Vijayan plays the female lead in this gangster action drama. Veera Dheera Sooran grabbed the attention of one and all with its first glimpse. The movie is now in the post-production phase.
Initially this Vikram starrer was planned for Pongal 2025 release but as Ajith’s Vidaamuyarchi was announced for the festival, the makers of the former backed out from the Pongal race. The latest update is that NVR Cinema will handle the Telugu states’ distribution of this flick. It is said that the Telugu rights were sold for a decent price.
Since Vikram has a good following in Telugu, we can expect good openings in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. According to Kollywood media reports the movie will be released on January 30. An official announcement is expected shortly. Riya Shibu is producing Veera Dheera Sooran under the HR Pictures banner. GV Prakash Kumar is composing the tunes.
We are elated to announce that @NVRCinema @SriLakshmiMovie has bagged the Andhra Pradesh – Telangana rights of @chiyaan s #VeeraDheeraSooran 💽 🎼
An #SUArunkumar Picture 🎬
A @gvprakash Musical 🎵🎶🎼
Produced by @hr_pictures @riyashibu_@iam_SJSuryah #surajvenjaramoodu…— HR Pictures (@hr_pictures) January 9, 2025