Mass Ka Das Vishwaksen’s Laila has piqued the curiosity of movie buffs with its interesting title, first-look poster, and first single. In this film, Vishwaksen portrays both male and female characters. Directed by Ram Narayan and produced by Sahu Garapati under the Shine Screens banner, the makers have already revealed the male character, Sonu Model.
Today, on the occasion of Sankranthi, the makers unleashed the female look. It’s hard to recognize that it’s Vishwaksen in the poster, as he looks strikingly feminine, thanks to wonderful and flawless makeup. The image is further enhanced by butterflies fluttering around while Laila is seen in a symbolic pose, with a finger on her lips, conveying silence.
The pink color theme adds to the feminine aura, making the poster even more impactful. Vishwaksen’s transformation as Laila is truly impressive. The makers have also announced that the movie’s teaser will be released on January 17. Akanksha Sharma plays the female lead in the film, which is slated for release on February 14.